...celebrating over 30 years of ministry

Weekly Devotional

Posted: 9/22/2024

Witnessing Without Words

If [they] refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. (1 Peter 3:1)

As Christians, we often worry about our loved ones who don’t know Jesus. They might go to church and be truly nice people, but there is no evidence of spiritual light in their life. There is no hunger for God’s truth and no conversation about their relationship with God. The saddest part is that they don’t realize what they don’t have. (Spiritually blind people think their view of life is normal.)

So, to correct the situation, we take it upon ourselves to tell our unsaved loved ones what we have that they don’t. Or am I the only guilty one here? Often there is little response—except increased frustration for everyone. Yes, talking about faith is necessary at some point. But until the Holy Spirit awakens in an unsaved person the desire to know about Christ, our talk can fall on deaf ears.

The best way it seems to witness for Christ is to be more concerned about the faith we do have instead of the faith another person doesn’t have. By spending time in God’s presence daily we will become more like Christ and more yielded to and filled with the Spirit. Our loved one may not read the Bible, but they will read our lives. As 1 Peter 3:1 implies, “If we can’t win them by our words, let us win them by our ways.”

If we are following the Spirit’s guidance, He will lead us into opportunities for Christ’s love and light to flow through us to a person who doesn’t know Him. Maybe we pray for God to provide a setting and time of His choosing when that person is hungry to hear the truth. Our words might be a seed or may be water on a seed planted earlier. Or we may have the privilege of seeing the harvest as that person embraces Christ.

Those that seem to be an effective witness for Christ share His love in the power of the Spirit, leaving the results to God. So the best way for you and I to prepare to be a witness is by getting to know Christ better and being guided and empowered by Him on a moment-by-moment basis. There is only one Savior, and the more faithful we are to Him, the more clearly others can see Him and come to desire Him for themselves.

Heavenly Father, Please make me more concerned about the quality of my faith than the quantity of faith in others, so that I might be a sweet aroma of Christ to those who do not know Him. Amen