...celebrating over 30 years of ministry

Weekly Devotional

Posted: 2/2/2025

The Hurried Christian

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14

“Could you move along?” “I don’t have time!” “What is taking so long?” ”We are going to be late!” “Please hurry!” I cringe when I think how many of those exclamations I have used. Maybe you can relate. Our generation is one that values “instant” everything—instant phone connections, instant food, instant messaging on the internet, …even instant religion.

We want God to get in line with our other responsibilities and other “gods.” We want Him to be as fast-acting as everything around us, and bring us immediate satisfaction. But to our disappointment we find that God’s grace is really quite slow by our standards. Christians give up on God far too easily. Our faith may last but a brief week or two. Then we quickly become disillusioned with God and go seeking better alternatives. The only problem is, there are none.

There is only one way to see God’s promises fulfilled in our lives and that is to cling to the confidence that God will come through no matter how difficult the circumstances; no matter how slow moving the hours; no matter how hopeless things may appear. God will deliver. God will show the way. God will reveal Himself. He has a purpose in everything. And it does not matter what those around us say. It does not matter that they are getting instant results from other sources, for we are trusting in the One true source that satisfies eternally. His results are worth the wait.

This attitude is not what you will see among the current generation. It goes against the tide of the hurried Christian whose life hardly seems different from those in the secular world whose frantic lifestyles display little peace or patience. Waiting on God is the only way to receive the promises of God. And He promises a satisfaction that surpasses all the quick fixes of the world.

Heavenly Father, I know you are neither early nor late, but always on time. Please help me to adjust my schedule to Yours. Help me to seek and find satisfaction in You, and in Your time. Amen.