...celebrating over 30 years of ministry

Weekly Devotional

Posted: 3/29/2025

First Things First

Behold I make all things new... Rev 21:3-5

I love the start of each new year because it gives me the chance to make some fresh resolutions and begin again. Losing weight (I must confess), spending more time with loved ones, and just being a more loving person are always annual intentions of mine.

As I contemplate what I really should be putting first, though, I most want to grow in my relationship with God and please Him by how I live. Jesus even told me that when I do that, He will take care of the other things: “When you put God’s kingdom first, all things will be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). In fact, according to Phil. 2:13, He also promises that He will give me the desire to do what I know pleases Him!

The apostle Paul modeled this single-minded focus for all Christians. He said, “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal . . . of the upward call of Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:13-14). In fact, he considered everything “worthless, compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ” (Phil 3:8). This was Paul’s only focus because he not only knew but experienced the truth that Jesus makes all things new (Rev 21:5).

Do you, like me, want to grow in your faith relationship? Put Jesus first.

Do you, like me, need discipline to eat right and take care of your body? Put Jesus first. Do you, like me, want to experience God’s will at work in your life? Put Jesus first.

We weren’t put on this planet to float through time or pursue random activities. God created us so we could know, and be known by, Him and experience His love. He wants to show us how He plans to use our lives for His purposes.

If we’re not spending time getting to know Christ, we are missing the chief purpose of living. May knowing Him better be our number one resolve—not only for this year but for every year to come.

Dear Heavenly Father, Please don’t let me miss the most important goal of my life—to know and love Christ. Help me be available for His purposes. This is my New Year’s resolution—to let Him make all things within me new!