...celebrating over 30 years of ministry

Weekly Devotional

Posted: 12/29/2024

The Brevity of Life

James 4:14: What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Leafing through family photo albums always reminds me of how fast the years go by! I see pictures of me as a toddler, holding my mother’s hand. A few pages later I see my own children as toddlers holding my hand. Then before you know it, there are pictures of my children as parents with their own toddlers.

In just a few moments, generations have passed before my eyes.

Life moves so quickly, doesn’t it? We only pass through this life once and how we use it is totally up to us. C.T. Studd, a famous English missionary, wrote this refrain while a student at Cambridge University: “Only one life, ’twill soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.” Life is a glorious opportunity to prepare for eternity. If we miss that opportunity, but succeed in everything else, our life will have been a failure.

Have you ever given thought to the reality that you will never live this day again? Sobering, I know. It’s so easy to get caught up in this hurried life, worrying about the future, that we miss the present moment. But tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Maybe we should ask ourselves, “Am I living this day for Christ or for me?” Christ wants us to share the gospel with others—today. He wants us to look for ways to serve the less fortunate—today. He wants us to love others—today. God provides endless opportunities to the heart that longs to serve Him.

God has also ordained a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Someone once said that we must work as if everything depends on us and trust as if everything depends on God. Therein lies the secret of living each day wisely: Resting in God while working for God.

One thing we do know: this life will not go on forever. So lets make everything we do count for the kingdom. And when the final page of your life is turned and its time to leave this earthly place, may your children remember you as holding the hand of the One who welcomes you home.

Heavenly Father, Help me remember to live each day as if it were my last. Let me make every moment count for You and Your kingdom. Hold my hand tightly so I don’t go astray. Amen.