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Weekly Devotional

Posted: 11/24/2024

Setting Priorities

Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (Matthew 6:33 NLT)

Silence the alarm. Crawl out of bed.
Coffee? Check.
Return emails? Check.
Scheduled appointments? Check.
Off in the car I go.

Quickly, I begin to feel like my carefully planned day is running amok. Commitments and interruptions start pulling me in different directions and I wonder if I’m just going around in circles. It’s time to prioritize. Again.

We can live an entire lifetime without establishing priorities. If we let it, and sometimes even if we don’t, culture will determine our priorities. We can pursue careers, shepherd children through school and into college, keep our marriage together, and wake up one day and wonder if that’s all there is.

Suddenly--like the alarm that startles us to wake up--we pause in front of the mirror and ask, “Is this a life I have chosen, or one that has chosen me?”

God says the best life is the one that has chosen Him---that follows His priorities. He is the Author of each day, and He knows all that it holds. God promises if we put His kingdom first and choose to live lives of obedience, He will attend to all the other things vying for our attention. (Matthew 6:33)

How do we know if we’re truly seeking God’s kingdom first? Ask yourself what is getting your time and money--activities and things that will perish or investments that touch lives and impact them for eternity? We all have things that have to get done, but how you answer this reveals your focus. It can be difficult to put God’s desires before our own.

Despite the many commitments, activities, and opportunities each day presents, determine to make God your highest priority. Then no matter what you do each day or where you go, you will end up exactly where God intends you to be (Eph. 2:10).

Heavenly Father, I want You to be my top priority. I want to get directions from You each morning. Help me to live in response to Your guidance. Amen