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Weekly Devotional

Posted: 6/21/2025

The Treasure of Your Heart

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Luke 12:34)

What is most important to you in life? What is the one thing you could not live without? Your family? Your health? Your money? Your reputation? The answer is what the Bible calls your treasure.

There are times in my life when my heart is filled with love and joy for Jesus and He is all I want. And yet there are other times when I let the world persuade me that other things are more important. That realization makes me painfully aware of my humanity . . . my fleshly human nature. It makes me know how much I must continually choose to make Christ and His kingdom the true treasure of my life. Words, choices, thoughts, actions, decisions, purchases - all become a trail of evidence about what is important to me. Do you consider Christ a treasure in your life right now? How do you know?

Often times we claim that Christ is our treasure and yet our life demonstrates otherwise. We say we want to please God, but worry so much more about pleasing others. We hesitate to talk about our relationship with Christ, but we can easily discuss our relationships with friends. We are reluctant when asked to give money to the church, but jump quickly to purchase the latest designer clothes.

It’s important to examine your life, because your actions often reflect where your true heart is. How you live speaks louder than what you say. Where do you spend most of your time or money? What do you most enjoy doing or discussing? Are you task oriented or people oriented? Take inventory. Look at your calendar, your checkbook, and your phone calls. Who and what is important in your life? Those are your treasure.

Tell Jesus today and every day that you want Him to be your treasure—that you want to center your life around Him. In time, you will sense a difference, for your life will reflect your love for Him and there will be no question where your heart is.

Heavenly Father, Forgive me for sometimes having my heart in heaven and sometimes in this world. May my heart be wholly Yours so my life will make a difference. Amen.