...celebrating over 30 years of ministry

Weekly Devotional

Posted: 5/10/2025

True Love

Nothing can separate you from my love. (Rom 8:35-39)

My youngest daughter married her childhood sweetheart. They grew up down the street from one another, were close friends in junior high, dated through high school, and knew they’d found true love together in college. My son-in-law still has the Valentine card she gave him in sixth grade. In the corner of the card in small print are these words: “Who Do You Like?” It was her way of saying, “I hope you like me, too.”

God has written you a similar Valentine card in the Bible. His message contained within those pages is, “I love you so much that I gave My Son to die for you so you could live with Me in eternity.” Often we reject God’s Valentine because we feel unlovable and unworthy. Even when we can’t receive His love, He still gives it. The fact is, nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:35-39). Not what we’ve done or said or anything. Nothing that happens in life can change God’s offer of love to us.

God decided long ago that He loves you, but He lets you decide what to do with that gift. Once you decide to accept His love, how do you show Him your love? How do you make your life a Valentine for God?

In John 21, Jesus walked with Peter along the beach and asked him three times if He loved Him. Peter said, “Lord, you know I do.” Each time, Jesus responded, “Then feed my sheep.” Another time, Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my teaching” (John 14:15).

You show your love for God by reading His Words and doing exactly what He asks. Help the least and the lost; give Him first place in your life. That’s how you love Him and love others—the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:37-40). After all, you know what love is because He loved you first and gave that love to you unconditionally.

God has declared His love for you. It’s the ultimate Valentine. The question He has for you is, “Do you love me, too?” What will your Valentine for God say today?

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that your love is unconditional and that even while I was yet a sinner, Christ died for me. Father, let my life be a living testimony of my love for you.