...celebrating over 30 years of ministry

Weekly Devotional

Posted: 5/3/2025

God Wants All Your Concerns

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5: 7)

A stumbling block for many Christians who want to turn their worries over to God is the fear of becoming a nuisance. Sometimes we think, “I hate to bother God with all my concerns. I’m sure He has much bigger things to take care of.” Or, if we don’t fear being a nuisance, we think our problems are too small in God’s eyes for Him to direct attention to our need.

If we think of the universe as a giant radar screen, that concern might makes sense. You and I would barely show up as a blip on such a gigantic backdrop. But that is from our perspective, not God’s. The Bible tells us that God sees sparrows and knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:6). Those illustrations Jesus used let us know that if God sees our hairs, He certainly sees us!

And He wants to hear from us. Imagine you overheard your child telling her friend that she couldn’t bring a problem to you because you had more important things to think about. Would you not be heartbroken? I can’t imagine a parent who wouldn’t. It’s no different with God. He loves each of us as His precious children and tells us to give Him every concern we have (1 Peter 5:7). He reminds us that He is involved in every detail of our lives (Psalm 139:1-7). He knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5), knows all about us (Matthew 10:30), and has a special plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). His desire is for us to love Him with all our heart (Matthew 22:37) and turn to Him with every trial we face so He can direct our paths (Proverbs 3:6).

Next time we are hesitant to share with God what is going on in our life, let’s remember—God does not use a grid to screen our concerns, hearing only the major ones. Instead, He uses a funnel with a wide mouth, into which we can pour all our concerns—major, minor, and in between. God is the only person in the world who wants to hear all your concerns.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for caring about every concern that I have, whether large or small.. May I learn to come before your throne with innocence and boldness, as a child approaches her father in times of need. Amen.